Mit daglige arbejde er inspireret af nedenstående tilgange, metoder og teorier
“This is a paragraph that you can use to type in a quote from one of your previous or current customers. In this way you can prove your qualifications to your visitors”
Name of reviewer
- Reviewers company
“This is a paragraph that you can use to type in a quote from one of your previous or current customers. In this way you can prove your qualifications to your visitors”
Name of reviewer
- Reviewers company
“This is a paragraph that you can use to type in a quote from one of your previous or current customers. In this way you can prove your qualifications to your visitors”
Name of reviewer
- Reviewers company
Konsulent med særlig viden indenfor:
Autisme & ADHD, specialpædagogik, konflikthåndtering, positiv psykologi, trivselsfremme, stress & stresshåndtering samt mindfulness.